Home » New Cottage » We Get A New Roof
Lake Sapphire Cottage #2
We Get A New Roof

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Saturday September 5th. A holiday weekend, and we're planning a new roof! I sure hope the weather is good!

We had to tear off the 2 layers of the old roof. The tractor came in handy for that!

Thanks guys for ALL of the help!

Slow going, the bottom layer are single tab barn shingles with LOTS of nails!
That's it, we had the deck cleared in 2 hours and 15 minutes. We need to trim the rafter tails for gutters
Trimmed off, time to add the sub facia and get the roof sheathing back on.
Done, now to replace a few bad roof boards.
Oops, we had better frame for the skylight.

The ceiling & roof joists are 2x4s, and tend to sag. We'll add a 2x6 to either side of the skylight to firm things up.

The hole is cut, ready for the skylight.
Another cool view
Monday the 7th, we're finally shooting down some shingles!
It's going along fairly well for a rookie crew.
Why didn't we start on the shady side first?
Now we're on the shady side
It sure is hot up here!
Did I mention the view?
That's it for today. Looks good from the lake, we're out on the pontoon boat with some snacks and adult beverages.
September 9th, after another day to finish the roof, we're ready for the caps
Don't forget the roof vent for the bath fan
Finish the flashings on the skylight.
After a massive cleanup, we apply our first coat of paint.

another flashing gets some attention.

Sunday, September 13th. Time to go home!

It's starting to take shape, the soffit boards look good painted

That nasty deck is gone!
That view again, see ya!
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