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Deck Replacement Project
Removing the old deck!

Page 1: Removing the old deck!
Page 2: Posts and a Hot Tub pad!
Page 3: The Framing and Decking go up!
Page 4: Railings and Stairs
The before picture from the back of our house. It looks like the deck was falling apart. Every winter it would twist and heave, only to settle back in the summer.
Another rear view...what a mess!
We found that the deck was in 3 different sections, each built was at a different time. The pool was built first, the screen room was added later, the piece from the doorwall was next, and lastly a wobbly little addition.
Around the beginning of March 2002, we decided to start on a new deck. Easter weekend is 4 days off from work, so we figured we could get a good start. As usual, we demolished everything, and started over. Most of the posts where frost heaved out of the ground, so we used a car jack and helped them the rest of the way.
Good Friday: Here is Carol lifting out the last of the posts, we salvaged most of the structure, and some of the newer decking, so the demolition went slow.
Oops..I better get back to helping Carol. Mike and his buddies helped haul everything to the dumpster in the front yard..
We ordered a 10 yard dumpster The boys where a great help, they broke up cement, hauled junk, mixed cement, just about everything
Oops...the camera was set to sepia tones, so it looks like the Wizard of Oz.
Saturday: We had to layout for the post holes...all 27 of them! and 48" deep too, this is gonna hurt! What a job, we rented a post hole machine in the afternoon, we worked until 9:30 that night!
Then on Easter Sunday, we drilled 15 more, working until 2:00 in the afternoon, we returned the machine and (sorely) enjoyed the rest of the day off.
Hey....get back to work!!!!
Finally, the old deck is gone, now it's time to start the new one!
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