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Our Barn Project
Off to a Slow Start

The project started in the middle of May of 2002.
Me and Mom rented a tractor to remove the sod and level the ground. Then we rented a Bobcat with a post hole drill on the front to dig the 2 foot diameter, 4 foot deep hole.

Things where looking good until...CHEST PAINS!

After Mom's 90+ MPH ride to the local hospital, we found that I had a major blockage, we had to put the barn on hold for a few days.

I had a successful single bypass, and I am making a full recovery, but I had to call in help on the barn.

Paul and Mike drove up from down state, Craig came over from Wisconsin to see me in the hospital. While I was there, they and Mom continued the project.

With most of the ground work has been done, they just needed to finish cleaning out the holes to proper depth.

Mike and Nikki are doing the final inspection before the cement arrives.

The next morning, the cement truck drops 10 inches of concrete in each of the holes to make a firm base.
That evening the some of the post go in.
Then a few more, by the end of the day all of the barn posts are set and braced, I wish I was there!
The next day the skirt boards go on.
The following day Paul and Carol set and braced the posts for the 8 foot overhang on the right side.

It sat this way for a few weeks. During that time, we passed our inspection and then Craig, Debbie and Mom backfilled the post holes.

The purlins are next, easy work.
Just nail 'em on 2 foot centers.
The next day a few more purlins
One day, some of the neighbors stopped by to see what all the racket was about
2 deer watched as the purlins went in.
A few days later, the truss carriers when in. This about completed the lower framing, now it's time for the trusses.

Stay tuned, I hear that a crew is coming soon!

Finally, we scare up a "few Good Men", ladies too!

Labor Day Weekend 2002, we lined up a crew to knock out the roof.

Paul got a start on the overhangs at the gable ends. Working on the ground is easier, and then lift them up with the crane truck.

Thursday, The pile of trusses with both ends trusses finished. We have a tight schedule to keep, so we have to get moving!

Craig, Debbie, Maria and Marisa get there from Wisconsin Thursday evening.

Mark, Beth and their new baby Colin get in late that same night.

Early Friday morning, Mark is on the wall trying to get his Nextel phone to connect. (it won't)

The crane was due at 9:00 AM, but we needed to get the 40 yards of sand that was ordered in the barn before we can set trusses.

"Hey Are We Workin' or Just Talkin'" is the saying of the weekend.

The crane truck arrived 30 minutes late! That was good, because the last of the sand trucks passed the crane on his way up the driveway.

In no time the crane was up and moving the whole pile to make them easier to reach.

Mark, Craig and Paul started setting trusses,

Mark showed the rookies how it's done, they went up quick!

Craig did bash a finger, luckily he had a wimpy hammer.

It worked good with the 3 of them in the trusses, one on each side and Mark ridin' the ridge!

What a great job on the crane, Thanks Joe!

After only 2 hours, the trusses are done!

Now it's time for the sheathing. Scotty stopped by to give us a hand for the day.

We needed to get enough roof done before dark so we could have the shingles delivered to the roof top. Or else we had to hump 60 bundles of shingles up the ladder by hand! Go, go, go!

By late afternoon we had the North end sheeted.

We turned our attention to the 8 foot overhang, it needed to be stick framed. Mark and Craig cut the rafters, while Scotty and Paul set them in place.

Thanks Scott!

With enough roof done to accept the shingles, the pace slowed slightly...NOT!

Early on Saturday morning, the shingles showed up, roof top delivery is a blessing.
Mark and I got started with the shingles on the north side.

Craig and Paul started the sheathing on the south face.

All went well, Debbie and Beth filled the rack, Paul and Craig tag teamed the wood placement on the roof.

By noon we had the sheeting up to the ridge just as Mark and I got there with the north side shingles.

It was way too hot to work on the roof, so we went to Paul & Carol's place on Lake Sapphire to play in the water.

Later that evening, we went back and started the south side shingles. Mike is taking apart the plywood rack.

We got about 1/3 rd of the south face done before dark.

Sunday morning we got up early and finished off the remaining shingles! What a busy weekend!!

Then we all went to Paul and Carol's place on Sapphire lake for a celebration dinner!

What a great time! steel walls soon....

I used my old tractor to level the 40 yards of sand inside the barn

This is how it looked at the end of the long weekend!


Later that year, the steel finally arrived, and so did the cold weather

We got the track for the doors and the track cover up. Then we started the steel on the gable ends.

That was the hardest, so we got that out of the way so the rest of the day could be "down hill" yea right....

With both of the ends up, we started on the side that would get wet if it rained (or snowed).

The side steel was going up pretty fast now.

Bring it on!, Another side panel
Ah, now some trim for the windows
Finished with one side and both ends
Now the easy side, under the overhang in case of rain, but it didn't it was just cold and damp.
That side is done, now onto the door frames
Oops we ran out of weekend before the doors where finished.

It's the middle of October and we're getting cold!

A few more hours to finish the doors, but it's November, so that's it! all that we could do this year.

We still have to box in the soffits and do some trim work, but it's pretty much weather tight!

Thanks to everyone for all of the help!!!

See ya in the spring!
All of the toys are put away for the winter.
April 2005, we decided we wanted power out in the barn, so off to the rental shop to get a ditch digger.
150 feet later we have a trench to lay the conduit for electricity and a phone wire too
Just one more little connection and we're done!
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