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Codi, Sadie & Now Mocha
Our Silly Cats

This is one of our goofball cats, her name is Codi
She is very affectionate, and always sleepy.
We got her from an animal shelter, without the tail
This is Sadie, the devil cat, getting her first bath. Within minutes of this picture she was tormenting Codi!

The fearless little "lint ball with legs" terrorizes everything in site!

Finally a quiet moment before a nap....
Just wait until the "batteries" get recharged!
Oh no, she's been hittin' the sauce again!

Keep her away from the JD!!!

A bit older, and still a pain, she constantly bugs her sister Codi.

Here, she is helping Carol with our couch

Sadie really likes to play

Mike gets her to chase after a toy, she jumps about 2 feet off the ground!

February 2005: At just 2 years old, our dear friend Sadie passed away in her sleep. We miss her dearly.

After two lonely weeks, we found another gem of a kitty, meet Mocha.

The 2 pound "she devil" is so much like Sadie.

She likes to take a nap with Mike after school.
Sometimes sleeping with the kids during homework
And when Mike's on the computer too.
She'll even crash out on my test system when I'm writing code for our electric pontoon boat motor controller

It sure seems like she sleeps a lot!

Looking cute, just seconds before causing more trouble!
Whatcha printing?? They look like tax forms?

What are taxes?

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